Listed below are some of the ways you can use and enjoy your REO Spice & Seasonings, hopefully you find this information to be helpful in your sausage and jerky making process.
Summer Sausage
* After cutting meat into chunks, weigh trimmings, determine the amount of seasoning and amout of pork trimmings to be added (for deer sausage). A 50% deer and 50% pork (80% lean pork trimmings, works great. For a leaner sausage use 60% deer and 40% pork.
*Add Quick Cure to precut meat (2 ounces per 50 pounds of meat). Quick Cure should ONLY be used if you are going to smoke the meat. After adding the Quick Cure follw with adding half the bag of seasoning. Also add 1.5 lbs of soy protein concentrate to meat, add 8 to 10 lbs of water. Make sure the trimmings and seasoning are blended well. Grind thru a coarse plate 1/2" plate preferably. After the first grind, return trimmings to the grinder pan. Mix in the rest of the seasoning, be sure to mix thoroughly. Grind thru a 1/4" plate. At this point you could have place the stuffing horn on the grinder head, and by holding presoaked fibrous casings onto the horn, stuff the summer sausage as you make the final grind. Or you may choose to use a sausage stuffer.
*Our Summer Sausage Seasoning is a great base blend you may want to add in various products such as Half Cracked Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Whole Mustard Seeds, Dehydrated Jalapeno or High Temperature Cheese.
*Smoking Instuctions: Place Summer Sausage Chubs on smoke sticks, and let dry at room temperature for 2 hours. Place in smoker and bring internal temperature up slowly until product reaches 160 degrees farenheit. (usually takes 4-5 hours to reach this temperature.) Hold at this temperature for 1 hour. Pull the product from the smoker, and shower with tap water several times, to stop the cooking process. Cool until internal temperature reaches 40 degrees F.
Link Sausage
*After cutting meat into chunks, weigh trimmings. Determine the amount of seasoning and amount of pork trimmings to be added(for deer sausage). A 50% deer,50% pork-(80%lean pork trimmings) mixture is good. For leaner sausage use 60% deer trimmings to 40% pork(80% lean pork trimmings).
*Add quick cure to precut meat(4 oz per 100 lbs of meat){quick cure is to be used on smoked sausage only}, and add ½ of the seasoning. Make sure the trimmings and seasonings are well blended. Grind thru a coarse plate-1/2" plate preferably. After the first grind, return trimmings to the grinder pan. Mix in the rest of the seasoning, be sure to mix thoroughly. Grind thru a 1/4" plate.At this point you could have placed the stuffing horn on the grinder head, thread pre soaked (soak casing in warm water for approximately 1/2 hour prior to stuffing) natural casings onto the horn, and stuff sausage as you make the final grind. Or you may choose to use a sausage stuffer.
*Smoking Instructions: Smoke sausage for 1.5 hours or until internal temperature reaches 140 degrees F. Hold that temperature for 2 hours, then raise temp to 160 degrees F for the last hour (approximately 4.5 hours total) after removing frome the smokehouse shower with water to stop the cooking process. Refridgerate.
* Remove all fat, sinew, and gristle from the meat. Slice into strips, 1/4 to 1/2" thick and 1/2 to 3/4" long. Mix seasoning in with the meat and let marinate overnight in a refridgerator. Marinating should be done in a glass container or ziptop bag. (No metal pans)
* Place on shelves that have been sprayed with a non sticking agent or hang in smoker. Allow to smoke at 90-100 degrees F. Time of drying depends on humidity, moisture in meat, etc. A dehydrator will have intsructions for the drying time.